This particular post-apocalyptic thriller novel, Waves of Reprisal by Malcolm Little, is set in a post-apocalyptic earth where most of the human race was wiped out in a mass-extinction event; before that happened though, the humans created a series of androids called Synthoids, who were put into cold storage with the intent of being awoken after the apocalypse to rebuild human civilization. The humans who survived the mass-extinction event ended up forming a bunch of different villages and living in primitive tribes.
Hanyma, a woman from the village of Kepler, witnessed the destruction of her village and the murder of her family at the hands of some nasty marauders; Hanyma then spends her days hunting down and killing off the members of this team of marauders one by one. One day, Hanyma uncovers the chamber where Synthoid X-5, named Lascaux, lay dormant, and Lascaux explains to Hanyma that her mission is to restore human civilization back to what it was before the mass-extinction event, and she needs Hanyma's help to complete her mission. Hanyma spends the rest of the story torn between her desire to help Lascaux complete her mission to restore human civilization, and her desire to exact vengeance on the group of marauders who slaughtered her village and family.
Even though the book is less than 300 pages, I found that it was not a quick read. While the level of detail in the sentences in terms of vocabulary used was very advanced, the flow of the story was very ragged and draggy at times, and it was hard for me to get sucked into the story even though this particular genre of writing is one that I like. Granted, some people might find nothing wrong with the flow of the story and will get sucked into the book, I just wasn't one of those people. On the other hand, I was very impressed with the action sequences and fight scenes, and would be interested to see them enacted on a movie screen if that ever happened for this book.
If you're looking for a post-apocalypse action novel that brings a different scenario than your average post-apocalyptic story, and you enjoy following a character who struggles to choose between duty and vengeance, then Waves of Reprisal is a book you should take a look at.
Final Grade: B
To buy the book, go here.
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