Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Inerrancy of The Bible Review

There have been many apologetics books written over the years by smart men who have set out to give rock-solid evidence that the Biblical worldview is true, such as Jim Warner Wallace in Cold-Case Christianity, Norman Geisler and Frank Turek in I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, and Dr. Kent Hovind in What On Earth Is About To Happen...For Heaven's Sake?.

In supplementation with apologetics, there have also been many books over the decades dedicated to the topic of the inerrancy of the Bible; I'm talking about classics like The Down-Grade Controversy by Charles Spurgeon, The Battle for The Bible by Harold Linsdall, and The Great Evangelical Disaster by Francis Schaeffer. There have even been modern classics like Fatal Drift: Is The Church Losing Its Anchor? by Dr. Jim Jenkins.

For those of you looking to read a book about the issue of the inerrancy of the Bible, but you feel that you're not ready to read a high-caliber book like the ones listed above, Dr. Johnson C. Philip's Inerrancy of The Bible is perfect for getting you introduced to the topic.

Dr. Philip shows that non-christian thinkers over history cannot stand the idea of the Bible being inerrant and infallible, and how after the Reformation, the non-Christian thinkers in Europe and eventually America took over the positions of authority in the academic culture. Dr. Philip goes on to show that the people who studied under these non-Christian thinkers became leaders in the church, and took their evolution-loving, inerrancy-bashing philosophies with them. Dr. Philip then ends the book by giving nine arguments promoting the inerrancy of the Bible.

The Humanists/Evolutionists who control our academic culture constantly try to paint the Biblical worldview as a worldview for anti-intellectuals who believe in things that have no evidence supporting it. In a simple yet intelligent manner, Dr. Johnson C. Philip shows in Inerrancy of The Bible that the Biblical worldview is for intellectuals and truth seekers. 

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